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treatment of postherpetic neuralgia
What is the best treatment for postherpetic neuralgia?
Apostherpetic neuralgiarefers to the predisposition to pain that remains at the affected site after an event ofherpes zoster.
Despite the name Herpes-zoster, the causative virus is the virusvaricella zoster, the same as chicken pox.
Otreatment of postherpetic neuralgiaseeks to reduce the frequency and intensity of pain, as it can last for weeks, months or years.
Medicines are used for postherpetic neuralgia: pregabalin, gabapentin, topiramate, amitriptyline, nortriptyline, duloxetine.
The remedies for treatment of postherpetic neuralgia can be very effective, but it depends on the patient, the location of the lesion and other situations.
Other optionstreatment of postherpetic neuralgia such as treatment with botulinum toxin, the so-called Botox®, with few adverse effects, depending on the location of the pain.
Herpes zoster pain can be burning, shooting, or stabbing. The most common is to have periods of pain that can be controlled and, from time to time, peaks or episodes of more acute pain, which happen "from one hour to another"

It is important to remember that o treatment of postherpetic neuralgia can change over time, seeking to improve symptoms and the best treatment is very individual
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