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medico especialista que trata neuralgia do trigemeo

trigeminal neuralgia

What is trigeminal neuralgia?

Aneuralgia (or neuralgia) of the trigeminal nerveit is a nervous disorder that causes extremely severe pain in the region of the face through which the trigeminal nerve passes.

Otrigeminal nerveit is a nerve that runs on each side of the face,  divides into 3 branches  and is responsible for the sensitivity of that region of the face. When there is injury, inflammation or compression of the nerve, it generates excruciating pain in the territory of the involved branch, which may be in only one branch or in more than one.

neuralgia do trigemio em curitiba




V1:ophthalmic branch:  it takes pain in the frontal region, from the forehead, to around the eye

V2:Maxillary Branch:It takes the pain in the maxillary region (on the apple of the face), which can start near the ear

V3:Mandibular Branch:Pain in the mandibular region, which may extend from near the earlobe to the chin or mouth. 

Apainit can occur in the form of quick stabs, burning pain or shock.

The most common is unbearable pain, often considered the "worst of life", whose treatment with usual analgesic medications is not enough!

It is very common forpains be confusedwith migraines, toothaches, often leading to erroneous therapeutic and even surgical approaches.

especialista em nevralgia do trigemio em curitiba

Causes of Trigeminal Neuralgia

They existvarious causesfor trigeminal neuralgia. The most common areneurovascular conflicts, in which an artery or even a vein touches the nerve. Not every time a blood vessel touches any symptom and tests such as magnetic resonance imaging, although indicated, many times are not  able to determine an exact cause.

Other causes likemultiple sclerosis e tumores(mostly benign) can also occur and a single imaging test such as MRI is able to rule out these causes.

Existem várias motivos para a dor da neuralgia do trigêmio ainda se manter. O primeiro é o tratamento está errado, ou até mesmo o diagnóstico. Outra possibilidade, é o tratamento apesar de correto ser insuficiente, e o ajuste de dose ser necessário. Por fim, o remédio pode ser necessário ser trocado ou adicionado, como adicionar o tratamento com toxina botulínica.

Além disso, existem casos refratários, e aí a cirurgia é o melhor caminho.

Embora não seja uma cura, há grande possibilidade de com a cirurgia, haver remissão das dores.

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