I have parkinson and now?
Receive diagnostics from Parkinson's disease is undoubtedly impressive.
But the understanding and acceptance of the disease is the path to adequate and effective treatment. Currently, there are several medications, which, together with a multidisciplinary action with the follow-up of physiotherapy, psychology, occupational therapy, nutrition, speech therapy, are capable of leading the patient with Parkinson's to have a full quality of life, with autonomy, independence and , above all, happiness.
Although symptoms may be present, it does not always mean that there is or will be an impediment or limitation to perform any activity. Thus, the doctor and, of course, the patient, must be very calm when faced with the diagnosis and treatment over time.
Will haveParkinson's diseaseit does not mean that one day the person will stop doing something, like walking or that he will die from the disease. The disease, although progressive, in fact, in most cases, has a very slow progression and currently has several treatments.

Firstly, it is important to know that the diagnosis was made properly and correctly. This can only be done through a qualified doctor, in general, aneurologist. Diagnosis is made by observing the characteristic signs of the disease, assessed by specific maneuvers during the clinical examination. Thus, we say that the diagnosis is eminently clinical, that is, it almost always does not require a complementary exam such as magnetic resonance imaging or cranial tomography.
Having the diagnosis confirmed by a neurologist especialista it is interesting to know how it is treated and how the disease can evolve, to understand the symptoms and be sure that you are being well cared for by the doctor assistant.
It is important to be aware from the beginning that Parkinson's diseaseit's not just tremor! On the contrary, there are people with Parkinson's who do not have any tremor. Thus, the full complexity and range of symptoms involved must be understood.
Youmotor symptoms(which involves movement of the arms and legs), are mainly manifested through slowness of movement. Patients begin to move more slowly, even their voice may change, becoming lower and walking becomes slower. Tremor is often present, of course, but it is usually a tremor that is present only when the individual is stationary, quiet, and distracted, and that lessens with movement.
Butother symptomsthey will almost always exist simultaneously. From simpler symptoms, such as a lazy intestine (constipation), anxiety disorders, depression, sleep disorders, dizziness and falls. Often these symptoms bother the patient more than the motor symptoms, especially at the beginning of the disease.
At some point during the disease, the patient may also presentpain in limbs, forgetfulness, hallucinations, changes in behavior. Some patients may become more angry, nervous and agitated. Often with fixed ideas, paranoia and even aggressiveness. These symptoms are also treatable and currently there are several medications available, the response of which depends from patient to patient.
As the disease progresses it may be difficult to eat (dysphagia), with frequent choking, which can lead to recurrent pneumonia, weight loss and other eating disorders.
To theinfections such as pneumonia, urinary infections and the appearance of ulcers (injuries in the body), are major problems in the more advanced stages of the disease and must be a matter of continuous attention.
As thedisease progresses(over the years), the patient may experience a worsening of symptoms, which is why regular follow-up with a neurologist is essential, so that the treatment can be constantly reassessed and the necessary adjustments in medications are periodically made.
Parkinson's Disease Treatment
There are several medications for Parkinson's Disease. The central drug of the treatment is thelevodopa, which is available under trade names such as Prolopa, Carbidopa, Ekson, among others. This medicine has the function of replacing the dopamine that is failing to be produced in neurons.

As Levodopa does not last long in the body, it always has to be taken several times a day (on average 3 to 5 times a day), in doses to be adjusted by the doctor and adequate according to the stage of the disease. The absorption of Levodopa can also be altered by food, so medicines for Parkinson's Disease have to be taken on an empty stomach and away from meals.
There are several other drugs, which are usually used associated with,jointly with Levodopa, all with the aim of raising thedopaminecurrent on body. Each medicine can also have adverse effects, so follow-up with the specialist doctor is essential to be able to differentiate whether a given symptom is the disease itself or if it is the medicine that is interfering with something else!
Therefore, a good relationship with the specialist doctor is extremely important, so that the treatment can be adjusted as the disease progresses, in order to ensure a treatment specific_cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_e effective for each patient.