Migraine has a cure?
Migraine attacks can be disabling. While there are a number of treatments currently available, the question everyone asks is:Migraine has a cure?
First, you need to understand what a migraine is.
Migraine is a special type ofheadache, which can be started after contact with some external triggers e may be responsible fordisabling painand, when not well treated, cause recurrent symptoms.
Thus, there is several factorsthat act to trigger a migraine attack.
First, there is a genetic factor that predisposes some people to pain.
After that there are many environmental triggering factors, which can combine with each other to trigger the onset of pain. In addition, it is very common to use inappropriate medications, which do not abort the pain crisis, in addition to the use of several othermedicines that can worsen or facilitate crises of dor.
As there are many variables acting for the onset or maintenance of the headache it is practically impossible to avoid all the factors.
Migraine does not distinguish color, creed or class social. But it is much more common in young women, mainly during childbearing age (between 15 and 40 years).
Today, there aremany medicationsfor themigraine treatment. Some are so effective that they can show some kind of cure. However, since there is a genetic predisposition of the patient and control of absolutely all external factors is very unlikely, a real cure_cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_complete is almost impossible.
Over the years, some hormonal factors can decrease, so that the crises can become more and more spaced. Also considering adequate drug treatment, changing eating habits and a practice of physical exercises, great control of symptoms can be achieved for a very long and satisfactory period.
Thus, although a cure is unlikely, the neurologist is able to treat in order to contain the crises and, in many cases, completely control the pain, allowing the patient to have a full quality of life .