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Movement Disorders

por que acontece a doença de parkinson

YouMovement Disorders  correspond to the group of neurological diseases in which alterations in body movements are present, either hindering or limiting voluntary movement, as when there is stiffness or slowness of the limbs or, on the contrary,_cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_when there are involuntary movements, such astremors, choreas, ataxias or dystonias.

They can progress over time, being one of the components of several genetic and hereditary diseases. The diagnosis is almost always clinical, based on the changes found during the physical neurological examination, excluding other disorders that may be associated.


Tremors, such as Parkinson's Disease, atypical parkinsonisms, such asMultiple System Atrophy, Progressive Supranuclear Palsy, Essential Tremor, Choreas, including theHuntington's disease, in addition toAtaxias, Dystonias, Ticsmuscle spasms, such asblepharospasms,  Restless Legs Syndrome are examples of movement disorders.


Any involuntary movement, or any difficulty in carrying out an action, such as slowness in the limbs, muscle stiffness, or postural instability (presenting as falls and imbalances) must be evaluated by the Neurologist.

Many rare diseases affect movement, such as:
Gerstmann-Strausller-Gerstmann Syndrome
Multiple Systems Atrophy
Existem distúrbios do movimento que são causados por outras doenças, como Lúpus, Síndrome anticorpo antifosfolípide, e ainda movimentos anormais que podem estar associados a efeitos de medicações como as discinesias tardias.

Frequentemente, os movimentos podem estar associados com mais de um tipo, dificultando o diagnóstico. 


© 2023 Dr. Gustavo L. Franklin - 

Avenida Sete de Setembro 4923,Rooms 301/302 - Batel Curitiba/PR      Tel: +55 41 98717-4780   

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Avenida Sete de Setembro 4923, Salas 301/302 - Batel Curitiba/PR       Tel: (41) 99116-7277

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