OAutistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a condition that affects basic characteristics related to communication, social interaction and behavior.
besides theprejudicein ifto communicateverbally and non-verbally, to relate with other people, the autistic individual tends to havevery restricted tastes, either for food or for games and activities. It is common to have organized attitudes androutinesvery well established and changes in these routines are capable of causing extreme discomfort to the patient.
Could Autism be related tocognitive deficit, especially when associated with neurological syndromes. However, there are several levels and there are individuals with increased cognitive capacity and high abilities, particularly in individuals with mild autism, o which we previously calledAsperger's syndrome.
More commonly, however, real intelligence, considering the multiple aspects of its abilities, is difficult to assess. Due to the limitation of communication, characteristic of the disorder, it may never be possible to assess all the individual's real capacities.
It is essential, therefore, that once diagnosed, there is a constant effort to stimulate and expand capabilities and a continuous effort to include and socialize the individual on the autistic spectrum.

What causes Autism?
To thecauses of autism are not well known. Studies suggest that there is a componentgenetic(the chance of a second child having autism, after the first one is diagnosed, is approximately 20%), associated with aenvironmental factor.
There is a relationship of some neurological diseases, such as epileptic syndromes, brain malformations and other specific syndromes.
One thing is for sure: vaccines do not cause autism!
Vaccination X Autism
The report of an association of any vaccine with the emergence or the possibility of having autism is aLEGEND.
Several studieshave been carried out since the 90's and have proven that there is no relationship between vaccination and autism!
Aorigin of legend it started after a publication that took place more than 20 years ago, in which it concluded that there are more people diagnosed with autism than a few decades earlier (when the use of vaccines had not yet appeared or popularized).
What soon after was well described is that the diagnosis of children with autism has increased exponentially in recent years, coinciding with the emergence and expansion of the use of vaccines. Both reflecting logical advances in science, in which the understanding of various entities is broadened every day, facilitating diagnoses.
What happens is that thediagnosisof Autistic Spectrum Disorder has increased for several reasons, such as a greater understanding of the disorder, the emergence of diagnostic criteria, greater specialization of professionals, among many others. All this makes diagnosing autism much easier today.
In addition, the use of vaccines has increased precisely because they are extremely effective in combating and preventing various diseases. A vaccine or any drug can only be marketed and used after it has been proven to be useful and demonstrated that it does not cause significant harm.
So, remember: there is no relationship between autism and vaccination!